Experiment summary for DSR418EQU

  • Status: released


Biosample summary
Homo sapiens naive thymus-derived CD4-positive, alpha-beta T cell female adult (20-25 years) and female adult (25-30 years) and female adult (30-35 years) and female adult (35-40 years) and female adult (40-45 years) and female adult (45-50 years) and female adult (50-55 years) and female adult (55-60 years) and female adult (60-65 years) and female adult (65-70 years) and female adult (70-75 years) and female adult (75-80 years) and male adult (20-25 years) and male adult (25-30 years) and male adult (30-35 years) and male adult (40-45 years) and male adult (45-50 years) and male adult (50-55 years) and male adult (55-60 years) and male adult (60-65 years) and male adult (65-70 years) and male adult (70-75 years)
Biosample Type
primary cell
Replication type
H3K27ac ChIP-seq of BLUEPRINT epigenome project of human immune cell types (naive CD4+ T cells) from up to 197 individuals. ftp://ftp.ebi.ac.uk/pub/databases/blueprint/blueprint_Epivar/
Nucleic acid type
Strand specificity


AMP Consortium
U01DK100554 (T2D AMP Consortium)
Date released
May 28, 2021

Anisogenic replicates

Anisogenic replicateTechnical replicateSummaryBiosampleLibrary
51naive thymus-derived CD4-positive, alpha-beta T primary cell male adult (60-65 years)DBS286TMRDLB261RZB
101naive thymus-derived CD4-positive, alpha-beta T primary cell female adult (60-65 years)DBS657HAJDLB267CED
181naive thymus-derived CD4-positive, alpha-beta T primary cell female adult (60-65 years)DBS649UPDDLB064ZYN
241naive thymus-derived CD4-positive, alpha-beta T primary cell male adult (60-65 years)DBS934HOODLB430OON
291naive thymus-derived CD4-positive, alpha-beta T primary cell female adult (55-60 years)DBS324PAUDLB731RQE
341naive thymus-derived CD4-positive, alpha-beta T primary cell female adult (55-60 years)DBS855SFVDLB401LTP
391naive thymus-derived CD4-positive, alpha-beta T primary cell female adult (35-40 years)DBS812FYLDLB631NCR
211naive thymus-derived CD4-positive, alpha-beta T primary cell male adult (60-65 years)DBS569DUHDLB833JRC
271naive thymus-derived CD4-positive, alpha-beta T primary cell female adult (65-70 years)DBS455RZVDLB705YEK
351naive thymus-derived CD4-positive, alpha-beta T primary cell female adult (40-45 years)DBS791HTCDLB281VNM
411naive thymus-derived CD4-positive, alpha-beta T primary cell female adult (50-55 years)DBS551SSCDLB187FHY
451naive thymus-derived CD4-positive, alpha-beta T primary cell female adult (20-25 years)DBS827TZBDLB013QAC
491naive thymus-derived CD4-positive, alpha-beta T primary cell male adult (20-25 years)DBS609WPVDLB707GBC
541naive thymus-derived CD4-positive, alpha-beta T primary cell female adult (70-75 years)DBS682RTLDLB030WQE
591naive thymus-derived CD4-positive, alpha-beta T primary cell male adult (50-55 years)DBS276XMODLB129SPU
651naive thymus-derived CD4-positive, alpha-beta T primary cell female adult (70-75 years)DBS684JVUDLB937IIU
711naive thymus-derived CD4-positive, alpha-beta T primary cell female adult (40-45 years)DBS977XMTDLB217NNC
781naive thymus-derived CD4-positive, alpha-beta T primary cell female adult (75-80 years)DBS603KKIDLB659GJM
831naive thymus-derived CD4-positive, alpha-beta T primary cell female adult (60-65 years)DBS071YHZDLB781BMA
861naive thymus-derived CD4-positive, alpha-beta T primary cell female adult (65-70 years)DBS008LFMDLB667NTO
901naive thymus-derived CD4-positive, alpha-beta T primary cell female adult (30-35 years)DBS642XUADLB077YJS
1061naive thymus-derived CD4-positive, alpha-beta T primary cell male adult (55-60 years)DBS186JZADLB828WPF
1111naive thymus-derived CD4-positive, alpha-beta T primary cell female adult (50-55 years)DBS577GBIDLB710XVZ
1181naive thymus-derived CD4-positive, alpha-beta T primary cell male adult (60-65 years)DBS119YUUDLB466QVD
1211naive thymus-derived CD4-positive, alpha-beta T primary cell female adult (75-80 years)DBS542IJYDLB851RGK
41naive thymus-derived CD4-positive, alpha-beta T primary cell female adult (55-60 years)DBS188NXADLB702MQY
81naive thymus-derived CD4-positive, alpha-beta T primary cell female adult (50-55 years)DBS428IOYDLB851CVV
191naive thymus-derived CD4-positive, alpha-beta T primary cell female adult (50-55 years)DBS162RUODLB881QBK
261naive thymus-derived CD4-positive, alpha-beta T primary cell female adult (60-65 years)DBS304TOTDLB824BNY
321naive thymus-derived CD4-positive, alpha-beta T primary cell male adult (45-50 years)DBS180QDIDLB013DMA
381naive thymus-derived CD4-positive, alpha-beta T primary cell female adult (30-35 years)DBS876QPHDLB705TJC
401naive thymus-derived CD4-positive, alpha-beta T primary cell female adult (60-65 years)DBS533EWIDLB644OJK
481naive thymus-derived CD4-positive, alpha-beta T primary cell male adult (50-55 years)DBS942GALDLB318TYS
21naive thymus-derived CD4-positive, alpha-beta T primary cell female adult (60-65 years)DBS443VQSDLB449IBI
61naive thymus-derived CD4-positive, alpha-beta T primary cell male adult (45-50 years)DBS165RFHDLB557DAL
121naive thymus-derived CD4-positive, alpha-beta T primary cell male adult (55-60 years)DBS726MUFDLB721FZC
131naive thymus-derived CD4-positive, alpha-beta T primary cell male adult (55-60 years)DBS762CJDDLB799DWB
141naive thymus-derived CD4-positive, alpha-beta T primary cell male adult (65-70 years)DBS756NSTDLB406KNS
151naive thymus-derived CD4-positive, alpha-beta T primary cell male adult (40-45 years)DBS529YWDDLB907QVL
201naive thymus-derived CD4-positive, alpha-beta T primary cell female adult (65-70 years)DBS644VYJDLB535NUT
251naive thymus-derived CD4-positive, alpha-beta T primary cell male adult (65-70 years)DBS296FNWDLB395HSZ
311naive thymus-derived CD4-positive, alpha-beta T primary cell female adult (35-40 years)DBS576MWMDLB170GGZ
371naive thymus-derived CD4-positive, alpha-beta T primary cell male adult (60-65 years)DBS420ITIDLB439QAO
531naive thymus-derived CD4-positive, alpha-beta T primary cell female adult (65-70 years)DBS164EBKDLB272QBO
581naive thymus-derived CD4-positive, alpha-beta T primary cell male adult (70-75 years)DBS984ZXMDLB984LNZ
631naive thymus-derived CD4-positive, alpha-beta T primary cell male adult (55-60 years)DBS549AINDLB054ZMQ
11naive thymus-derived CD4-positive, alpha-beta T primary cell male adult (50-55 years)DBS372LPRDLB828PJN
71naive thymus-derived CD4-positive, alpha-beta T primary cell male adult (45-50 years)DBS215AUFDLB418SCK
111naive thymus-derived CD4-positive, alpha-beta T primary cell female adult (60-65 years)DBS088YHNDLB875EVP
171naive thymus-derived CD4-positive, alpha-beta T primary cell male adult (65-70 years)DBS365IICDLB767IQT
231naive thymus-derived CD4-positive, alpha-beta T primary cell male adult (30-35 years)DBS465WRZDLB050TJW
281naive thymus-derived CD4-positive, alpha-beta T primary cell male adult (55-60 years)DBS166EZUDLB328VWW
331naive thymus-derived CD4-positive, alpha-beta T primary cell male adult (55-60 years)DBS127AHFDLB514LID
431naive thymus-derived CD4-positive, alpha-beta T primary cell female adult (45-50 years)DBS262XPEDLB089LRR
471naive thymus-derived CD4-positive, alpha-beta T primary cell male adult (70-75 years)DBS348BCFDLB525RTJ
551naive thymus-derived CD4-positive, alpha-beta T primary cell male adult (50-55 years)DBS828EREDLB414EHH
601naive thymus-derived CD4-positive, alpha-beta T primary cell female adult (55-60 years)DBS408WMMDLB921QFP
661naive thymus-derived CD4-positive, alpha-beta T primary cell female adult (60-65 years)DBS646ZXLDLB878EOB
721naive thymus-derived CD4-positive, alpha-beta T primary cell male adult (60-65 years)DBS662WIEDLB098XTB
771naive thymus-derived CD4-positive, alpha-beta T primary cell female adult (65-70 years)DBS196CMUDLB847GZR
801naive thymus-derived CD4-positive, alpha-beta T primary cell male adult (70-75 years)DBS096WGTDLB396ICR
871naive thymus-derived CD4-positive, alpha-beta T primary cell female adult (55-60 years)DBS874RBUDLB561VHW
911naive thymus-derived CD4-positive, alpha-beta T primary cell male adult (55-60 years)DBS535FPVDLB416WCH
31naive thymus-derived CD4-positive, alpha-beta T primary cell female adult (60-65 years)DBS277GGDDLB445JMT
91naive thymus-derived CD4-positive, alpha-beta T primary cell female adult (45-50 years)DBS350KLPDLB207PAH
161naive thymus-derived CD4-positive, alpha-beta T primary cell male adult (50-55 years)DBS489YBCDLB424SWJ
221naive thymus-derived CD4-positive, alpha-beta T primary cell male adult (60-65 years)DBS947YJYDLB158VYD
301naive thymus-derived CD4-positive, alpha-beta T primary cell male adult (65-70 years)DBS497OCPDLB133LDX
361naive thymus-derived CD4-positive, alpha-beta T primary cell male adult (40-45 years)DBS132WYNDLB348IBY
441naive thymus-derived CD4-positive, alpha-beta T primary cell female adult (25-30 years)DBS245GCKDLB325IMX
511naive thymus-derived CD4-positive, alpha-beta T primary cell male adult (45-50 years)DBS979EARDLB416UDJ
571naive thymus-derived CD4-positive, alpha-beta T primary cell female adult (70-75 years)DBS635METDLB533DFM
611naive thymus-derived CD4-positive, alpha-beta T primary cell female adult (60-65 years)DBS632GKWDLB666TPI
671naive thymus-derived CD4-positive, alpha-beta T primary cell female adult (30-35 years)DBS260DMHDLB774KNF
761naive thymus-derived CD4-positive, alpha-beta T primary cell male adult (50-55 years)DBS494GGTDLB155KZE
841naive thymus-derived CD4-positive, alpha-beta T primary cell female adult (65-70 years)DBS113QGUDLB637FBA
881naive thymus-derived CD4-positive, alpha-beta T primary cell male adult (60-65 years)DBS773DTYDLB986GJM
921naive thymus-derived CD4-positive, alpha-beta T primary cell female adult (60-65 years)DBS607IVFDLB228WTT
951naive thymus-derived CD4-positive, alpha-beta T primary cell female adult (60-65 years)DBS488ZQGDLB006DUW
1031naive thymus-derived CD4-positive, alpha-beta T primary cell male adult (60-65 years)DBS713LHVDLB304DBW
421naive thymus-derived CD4-positive, alpha-beta T primary cell male adult (65-70 years)DBS665BTCDLB294QLS
461naive thymus-derived CD4-positive, alpha-beta T primary cell female adult (45-50 years)DBS065HOPDLB122CMB
501naive thymus-derived CD4-positive, alpha-beta T primary cell female adult (65-70 years)DBS905YVWDLB522SOU
561naive thymus-derived CD4-positive, alpha-beta T primary cell male adult (55-60 years)DBS405ZGPDLB228RXY
621naive thymus-derived CD4-positive, alpha-beta T primary cell female adult (30-35 years)DBS580DPFDLB660LOV
681naive thymus-derived CD4-positive, alpha-beta T primary cell female adult (60-65 years)DBS591YUXDLB690JJU
731naive thymus-derived CD4-positive, alpha-beta T primary cell female adult (30-35 years)DBS199OSYDLB439HNI
791naive thymus-derived CD4-positive, alpha-beta T primary cell female adult (50-55 years)DBS502IQDDLB822AQN
851naive thymus-derived CD4-positive, alpha-beta T primary cell female adult (45-50 years)DBS553TNMDLB990BUH
891naive thymus-derived CD4-positive, alpha-beta T primary cell male adult (60-65 years)DBS447XDJDLB782ECN
931naive thymus-derived CD4-positive, alpha-beta T primary cell female adult (60-65 years)DBS495WXMDLB449JDG
971naive thymus-derived CD4-positive, alpha-beta T primary cell female adult (50-55 years)DBS112KVHDLB057YVL
1011naive thymus-derived CD4-positive, alpha-beta T primary cell male adult (60-65 years)DBS980UTDDLB829GDJ
1071naive thymus-derived CD4-positive, alpha-beta T primary cell male adult (45-50 years)DBS398UDFDLB073OTS
1151naive thymus-derived CD4-positive, alpha-beta T primary cell female adult (60-65 years)DBS021DZADLB978LQI
1221naive thymus-derived CD4-positive, alpha-beta T primary cell male adult (65-70 years)DBS451KXDDLB690QYK
1271naive thymus-derived CD4-positive, alpha-beta T primary cell male adult (50-55 years)DBS479BLUDLB785PNP
1311naive thymus-derived CD4-positive, alpha-beta T primary cell female adult (50-55 years)DBS505KEJDLB879KTN
1381naive thymus-derived CD4-positive, alpha-beta T primary cell female adult (30-35 years)DBS636CFDDLB764NLK
521naive thymus-derived CD4-positive, alpha-beta T primary cell male adult (55-60 years)DBS508PITDLB091OCL
641naive thymus-derived CD4-positive, alpha-beta T primary cell female adult (60-65 years)DBS730IKUDLB804QHI
691naive thymus-derived CD4-positive, alpha-beta T primary cell female adult (65-70 years)DBS105KNXDLB336TIX
741naive thymus-derived CD4-positive, alpha-beta T primary cell female adult (60-65 years)DBS314FMZDLB662ZAV
811naive thymus-derived CD4-positive, alpha-beta T primary cell female adult (65-70 years)DBS467FRIDLB410SDI
991naive thymus-derived CD4-positive, alpha-beta T primary cell female adult (70-75 years)DBS035RKVDLB689CTI
1051naive thymus-derived CD4-positive, alpha-beta T primary cell female adult (45-50 years)DBS617KDYDLB845HXG
1131naive thymus-derived CD4-positive, alpha-beta T primary cell female adult (65-70 years)DBS664MWCDLB714PEF
1191naive thymus-derived CD4-positive, alpha-beta T primary cell male adult (55-60 years)DBS967CWGDLB723HOT
1241naive thymus-derived CD4-positive, alpha-beta T primary cell female adult (60-65 years)DBS350RNZDLB716XVR
1281naive thymus-derived CD4-positive, alpha-beta T primary cell female adult (65-70 years)DBS933UVGDLB011WNZ
1341naive thymus-derived CD4-positive, alpha-beta T primary cell female adult (55-60 years)DBS369RJUDLB248NAR
1401naive thymus-derived CD4-positive, alpha-beta T primary cell female adult (40-45 years)DBS528UHGDLB017AYR
701naive thymus-derived CD4-positive, alpha-beta T primary cell female adult (65-70 years)DBS300VMFDLB349JGV
751naive thymus-derived CD4-positive, alpha-beta T primary cell male adult (55-60 years)DBS301FLQDLB925OLU
821naive thymus-derived CD4-positive, alpha-beta T primary cell female adult (35-40 years)DBS155TIYDLB445DFR
941naive thymus-derived CD4-positive, alpha-beta T primary cell female adult (60-65 years)DBS917DTHDLB737XJE
981naive thymus-derived CD4-positive, alpha-beta T primary cell female adult (55-60 years)DBS802KQMDLB512MSR
1021naive thymus-derived CD4-positive, alpha-beta T primary cell female adult (65-70 years)DBS508EGUDLB597ZPJ
1081naive thymus-derived CD4-positive, alpha-beta T primary cell female adult (65-70 years)DBS823ZGRDLB132OHL
1121naive thymus-derived CD4-positive, alpha-beta T primary cell female adult (65-70 years)DBS237DJIDLB205RIP
1171naive thymus-derived CD4-positive, alpha-beta T primary cell female adult (55-60 years)DBS444MILDLB921LRT
1251naive thymus-derived CD4-positive, alpha-beta T primary cell male adult (55-60 years)DBS874SHDDLB551VGY
1321naive thymus-derived CD4-positive, alpha-beta T primary cell female adult (60-65 years)DBS039VMRDLB083JPN
1371naive thymus-derived CD4-positive, alpha-beta T primary cell female adult (50-55 years)DBS186HZQDLB500RQA
1431naive thymus-derived CD4-positive, alpha-beta T primary cell female adult (50-55 years)DBS996KXUDLB060RZM
961naive thymus-derived CD4-positive, alpha-beta T primary cell male adult (70-75 years)DBS658PCPDLB588IEZ
1001naive thymus-derived CD4-positive, alpha-beta T primary cell female adult (65-70 years)DBS542RKJDLB694DUP
1041naive thymus-derived CD4-positive, alpha-beta T primary cell male adult (55-60 years)DBS022ZNNDLB049RLT
1101naive thymus-derived CD4-positive, alpha-beta T primary cell female adult (65-70 years)DBS668YUMDLB889LOT
1161naive thymus-derived CD4-positive, alpha-beta T primary cell female adult (50-55 years)DBS055MUQDLB499BTV
1231naive thymus-derived CD4-positive, alpha-beta T primary cell male adult (45-50 years)DBS643FFSDLB248LOO
1291naive thymus-derived CD4-positive, alpha-beta T primary cell female adult (65-70 years)DBS491WMKDLB113PNC
1361naive thymus-derived CD4-positive, alpha-beta T primary cell female adult (55-60 years)DBS758QSUDLB427BSI
1411naive thymus-derived CD4-positive, alpha-beta T primary cell female adult (45-50 years)DBS074FRDDLB750IGY
1091naive thymus-derived CD4-positive, alpha-beta T primary cell female adult (65-70 years)DBS733ETVDLB765KSR
1141naive thymus-derived CD4-positive, alpha-beta T primary cell female adult (65-70 years)DBS710ABNDLB677EWT
1201naive thymus-derived CD4-positive, alpha-beta T primary cell female adult (65-70 years)DBS618ASNDLB494NLP
1331naive thymus-derived CD4-positive, alpha-beta T primary cell male adult (25-30 years)DBS745NRMDLB884MON
1391naive thymus-derived CD4-positive, alpha-beta T primary cell male adult (45-50 years)DBS335ECDDLB703TIT
1261naive thymus-derived CD4-positive, alpha-beta T primary cell female adult (75-80 years)DBS863ZHSDLB858FBA
1301naive thymus-derived CD4-positive, alpha-beta T primary cell female adult (35-40 years)DBS874DTPDLB271TXB
1351naive thymus-derived CD4-positive, alpha-beta T primary cell female adult (65-70 years)DBS162HQQDLB166FOE
1421naive thymus-derived CD4-positive, alpha-beta T primary cell female adult (55-60 years)DBS598CAODLB979PYP