Generate h5ad files for embedding datatype and cellxgene browser

Generate h5ad files for embedding datatype and cellxgene browser

The h5ad files are composed of a cell by feature (e.g. gene, peak) matrix, metadata such as cluster labels for barcodes, and the embeddings (e.g., tSNE, UMAP, PCA).

R objects from seurat/bioconductor to h5ad file using Seurat conversion tools & Sceasy

$conda activate my_env

>lung <- readRDS("./snRNA_lung.rds")
>use_condaenv("my_env", required = TRUE)
>sceasy::convertFormat(lung,from = "seurat",to = "anndata", outFile = "snRNAlung.h5ad")

Create h5ad using matrix, metadata and embedding files using scanpy.read_mtx which will result in an anndata file (that can be written to .h5ad)

>>>import scanpy as sc
>>>import pandas as pd
Read matrix file using scanpy.read_mtx
>>>adata = sc.read_mtx("/home/ubuntu/matrix.mtx")
Read metadata
>>>adata.obs = pd.read_csv("/home/ubuntu/meta.csv")
Read in the embeddings to be stored in obs, first read them in as a pandas dataframe and then convert that dataframe to a numpy array
>>>embeddings = pd.read_csv("/home/ubuntu/UMAP_coordinates.coords.csv")
>>>embeddings = embeddings.to_numpy()
>>>adata.obsm["X_umap"] = embeddings

Writing h5ad output


Use case

Step 1 - Import scanpy & pandas
>>>import scanpy as sc
>>>import pandas as pd

Step2 - Read matrix market format

Sample matrix file

%%MatrixMarket matrix coordinate integer general
27605 35067 61017931
1 1 1
2 1 1
3 1 1

adata = sc.read_mtx("/cmdga/RNA.matrix.mtx")

Step 3 - Read metadata

Sample metadata file is in csv format with barcode & metadata such as celltype, compartment, sample, condition, age, sex etc.

Type II muscle fibers,KSM1
Type II muscle fibers,KSM1
Type I muscle fibers,KSM1
Type II muscle fibers,KSM1

>>>adata.obs = pd.read_csv("/cmdga/metadata.csv")

Step 4 - Read embedding file

Read in the embeddings to be stored in obs, first read them in as a pandas dataframe and then convert that dataframe to a numpy array
Example embedding file
Note: The embedding matrix should be a numpy array with only the X and Y coordinates stored (not the cell names, they are inferred from the order)
>>>embeddings = pd.read_csv("/cmdga/RNA.umap.csv")
>>>embeddings = embeddings.to_numpy()
>>>adata.obsm["X_umap"] = embeddings

Step 6 Writing h5ad output


Visualization of h5ad files on cellxgene browser

Data structure: anndata fields used for visualization

Expression data

Gene expression values are pulled from anndata.X. These feed into the histograms, scatterplot, colorscale, and differential expression calculations.


Categorical (e.g., cluster labels) and continuous (e.g., pseudotime) metadata are pulled from anndata.obs. Any column added here will be available for visualization in cellxgene.


cellxgene looks for embeddings (e.g., tSNE, UMAP, PCA, spatial coordinates) in anndata.obsm. These fields must follow the scanpy convention of starting with X_, e.g., anndata.obsm['X_umap']. If an embedding has more than two components, the first two will be used for visualization.