Integration Of ATAC-seq And RNA-seq Identifies Human Alpha Cell And Beta Cell Signature Genes

Amanda M. Ackermann, Zhiping Wang, Jonathan Schug, Ali Naji, and Klaus H. Kaestner.
Molecular Metabolism. 2016-03;5(3):233-244.
We identified numerous transcripts with either α-cell- or β-cell-selective expression and discovered the cell type-selective open chromatin regions that correlate with these gene activation patterns. We confirmed cell type-selective expression on the protein level for two of the top hits from our screen. The “group specific protein” (GC; or vitamin D binding protein) was restricted to α-cells, while CHODL (chondrolectin) immunoreactivity was only present in β-cells. Furthermore, α-cell- and β-cell-selective ATAC-seq peaks were identified to overlap with known binding sites for islet transcription factors, as well as with single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) previously identified as risk loci for type 2 diabetes.
Consortium data used in this publication